Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Nathan Comes to Visit!

My cousin Nathan came to visit me in NYC and these are some of the highlights:

Day 1
- We Got Korean food. This probably would not have been overly exciting had the waiter not made Nathan eat a piece of lettuce which was jam-packed with chicken, vegetables, spices, etc in one bite - as he stood over his shoulder to make sure he was eating it correctly - because it was a "Korean Custom." No exaggeration - okay just some - this lettuce wrap was the size of Andre the Giant's fist. I almost just think he made Nate do it because it was HILARIOUS to watch! My cousin tried to chew and swallow one ENORMOUS bite while the waiter and myself were highly entertained!

Day 2)
- We Saw a guy getting arrested in the subway right by my apartment and he was definitely a handful for the cops.
- I took Nate to an art exhibit between 12Th and Washington which was done by an underground artist who goes only by.....Mr Brain Wash!
- Then, oddly enough, we saw the secret artist in the Chelsea Meat Market of all places. Not very underground if you ask me. Ha. He thanked us for visiting his exhibit and offered to give us some auto graphs and posters if we ever returned.
- That night we saw a live show at the Public Assembly in Brooklyn. Following the show I had my first Falafel! I strongly recommend this middle eastern treat! And if you are ever in NYC I suggest taking the L train to the Bedford stop. The Falafel was only $3.

Day 3)
-I took Nathan to help me retrieve some items from a storage unit we had in the Bronx. Basically, the business took what appeared to be an old Morgue and just sectioned it off into storage units. I think they might film the movie SAW 6 at this location due to the fact it was literally THAT creepy! Not to mention I broke the key off in the lock - of course. And, our unit was in the dungeon. Good times!
- That night Nathan saw a "crazy man" on the train (he said it, not me). Not sure exactly what to do, Nate decided to record the man and his political, racial, arbitrary speech with his phone. Makes perfect sense Nate?! Ha.

Day 4)
It was Nathan's Birthday so I made him some oatmeal to start the day! Then (as I take one DEEP breathe) we walked around the World Trade Center, we listened to piano music (random, I know), I bought us some Nuts 4 Nuts (don't judge they were a delicious little snack), we dawdled around SOHO (South Houston), we Ran to catch the train, Nate went to the bathroom and honestly made the exact same sound as the guy in the stall next to him (we later called this phenomenon a "mocking Dump"), I took Nathan out for dinner at Ruby Foo's Sushi in Time Square, Nathan took me to the Broadway show Wicked and finally, in response to the inquiring woman who was sitting next to me at the play, I kindly replied "you are fine at all!" What?!?! I have NO IDEA what that means. "You are fine at all???" It was a long day!!

Thanks for coming to visit Nathan!!

1 comment:

  1. I saw Wicked on Broadway as well. I went to NYC with an investment team I was on at the University. I absolutely loved it! I hope you enjoyed it too. :)
